The Best and Last Fundraiser

SeYah Fundraisers put the FUN back into FUNdraising, and they...
- Provide up to $12K per month, month after month, year after year
- Are conducted 100% online with no organization effort
- Do not interrupt educational classroom time
- Do not expose students to safety risks
- Support Humanitarian Causes
Plus, they do not sell low-value merchandise that:
- provide minimal revenue for the organization
- and minimal benefit for the supporter
INSTEAD, they…
- Provide Supporters with valuable Benefits they can use all year long
- Provide Supporters with ability to also receive money for their personal needs
- Provide Supporters with up to a $5,000 per month college tuition or career advancement grant
Monthly Supporters Receive…

So, if your school needs a great fundraiser and/or a Motivational Speaker submit the FORM below to receive the details.
SeYah will contact you with the details and your options with NO commitment